Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul ,which one to watch first with Hollywood Marv's


Heisenberg or Saul Goodman whom do you like?

It's a tricky question,for those who about to watch,most of you might have watched  either one of the series or both. 

To be honest both of the series are  master class at storytelling. Forget that Better Call Saul is a prequel, or that its the successor to Breaking Bad,both shows are the finest that ever put to television!

Ok! Let's come to the questions,that arises when we watch Breaking Bad first.

1.Who is Hector Salamanca?

2. How Jimmy McGill got all the connections to cartel?

3.How Jimmy knows about the vacuum cleaner company that can disappear people and create new identies ?

4.How Hector Salamanca ended up in a wheelchair?

5. Why Jimmy changed his name to Saul Goodman?

6. What is the story of Gus Fring?

So, rather than questioning it's better to watch Better Call Saul series first .

1. Better Call Saul 

Better Call Saul is all about the character study Jimmy McGill and how he become Saul, Saul is the product bad decisions and circumstances.  Jimmy at his very core is a genuine and honest man and that is exactly what shows in a incredible manner and show's most poignant moments. Various characters including Kim Wexler (the MVP of the series), Chuck, his brother, Mike Ehrmantraut the great and various other most interesting characters that do not necessarily exist in Jimmy's world, not before the story progresses towards its inevitable end. Everything about Better Call Saul is great, starting from the creators, Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan, the cast, the cinematography, the music are obviously the brilliant that deserves more than the praise it gets.
Watch the trailer hope you will like it

Every shot in the series hits like a lightning having watched all these characters going through all their struggles, and the repercussions last till the very end with or without us or even the characters knowing and many a times things go into a full circle, as if to show the then significant plot movements were nothing but the beginning. However Better Call Saul came with 5 seasons and renewed for a 6th season.

2. Breaking Bad

Heisenberg or Walter white the most interesting character in Breaking Bad and Jesse Pinkman a drug addict ,if you started watching Breaking Bad in the beginning it will be a bit slow but eventually you'll love the show.
At the Heisenberg will be dead .
Jessy Pinkman is alive and drug enforcement police will be searching for him .
After you completed the series you should watch Breaking Bad El Camino movie .

Watch the trailer...

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